Redefining “Having it all”

Miss-applied Ambition is Costly, and a Thriving Family is Priceless

This is a free quick casual call with Isaac where he will ask you questions to understand your situation, get his feedback on the best plan for you, and you can ask him questions too about working with him.

"I cannot recommend Isaac enough. He is full of wisdom and compassion. He listens but also keeps things focused. If you want results from a Godly man, Isaac will dig deep and hold you accountable. Talking with him every week has improved my marriage and finances. I cannot recommend him enough!"

-Michael Ford

Are you successful...

yet feel a growing defeat inside?

Perhaps a deep yearning for more, for what really matters.

At what point in the journey did we decide to make silent agreements to put aside what matters most?

Perhaps it’s the old myth of; “Once I accomplish _____, then I’ll focus on my callings, faith, and family.”

Too many men have traded real excellence for the deceiving picture culture pressures them to pursue.

It’s actually possible to “have it all”, but it must be redefined if you want real excellence. You have to be willing to stand against the wind of mediocrity pressing against you that most call normal. A mediocrity usually embraced by Christian circles around you.

Almost all successful Christian men have found themselves suffocating from their own reality even when many around them are calling them blessed.

There is no success at the sacrifice of your faith, family, and the callings on your life.

We will go beyond the traditional coaching and consulting world.

I bring a very particular set of skills, experience, and biblical knowledge that enables me to help you help yourself level up in the areas that matter most to you.

Here’s some of my background:

  • Built several companies with over 100 Million in combined revenues in the past before full-time ministry

  • Have helped hundreds of men level up in their business, family, and life

  • Planted churches and experienced the pastor's life

  • 4 million+ downloads as a top-rated podcaster with two weekly shows

  • Thriving marriage of 24 years

  • Nine children from ages 2-23 (3 teenagers & 3 are adults; all are believers)

  • On pace to impact 10 million families through

  • Most importantly; a dedicated husband and father who leads his family

I’ve also experienced extreme defeat and adversity in my life.

Times when nothing in my own strength could solve the problem but with right actions surrendered to the Holy Spirit, miraculous outcomes became a reality.

Isaac has been amazing to work with. I’ve gotten more clear on my team’s direction and culture the last three months than I have the last 10 years.”

— Jason Heinritz

Unprecedented times call for going beyond normal success. Your family thriving depends upon it!

I’m your advocate with a unique set of skills that can help you eliminate your weaknesses, strengthen your resolve in the best directions, and help you realize a better version of “Having it all”

All Great Men Sharpen Their Axe

“Real Winning is Rare as Most Men Struggle to Navigate Work Success While also Leading a Thriving Marriage and Family”

Our first step is a quick discovery call so I can get some intel from you, answer questions you may have, and discuss if we are a good fit.

Why Invest In Working With Isaac?

It all comes down to experiencing real change in the areas that matter most to you, right?

Think about the change you want right now.

 Now imagine you have it right now.

Maybe The Outcomes are…

  • An addiction you’ve overcome that was hindering your marriage and family

  • A deteriorating or stagnant marriage relationship that is now thriving 

  • A lid on your business that gets released to new levels of profitability

  • Your family now experiencing you spiritually leading regularly

  • Making the right vital decisions that greatly alter the future of yourself and your family

  • A desire to grow your leadership and influence that you now realize and is making a difference on others

  • ??

How much is realizing your outcome worth?

$1,000, $3,000, $5,000, $10,000, $50,000, $100,000?  

The Good news is it’s possible to work with me for less than that!

If you are looking for someone who can help you actually get the change and results you’re looking for in a faster progression, then I’m your guy.

Working with me will be a moment in your history of drawing a line in the sand and moving permanently towards transformation

3 Highly Effective Programs


Recalibrating for change that matters

Refining Yourself as a Biblical Man

One individual call per month (60-min)


One Month Transformation LaunchPad

Redefine, Work Through, and Launch Your Transformation

4 individual calls for one month (60-min)

Access via text and email

Can upgrade At any time you can upgrade with a credit towards the Personal Transformation Blueprint.

Discover your core wired opportunity

Transformation and Your Redefined Blueprint to “Having it All”


 8 Pillars to Truly Thriving as a Godly Man in Unprecedented Times

3 individual calls per month (60-min)

Discover your core wired opportunity

Six-month program

Our first step is a discovery call so I can quickly get some intel from you and discuss if we are a good fit and which of the three paths is best for you.

Personal transformation blueprint. A transformation blueprint you customize over the six months working with Isaac.

Access via text and email

“Isaac provided me with the tools and understanding needed to communicate my most important organizational message in a way that my team can truly connect with.” -David Rau

Don’t let your ambition sacrifice your most important mission.

There’s no time to spare to influence the change deep down you know is required.

If you are:

  • Committed to change

  • Willing to be transparent and sharpened

  • Understand the value of your change

Let’s chat to see if it’s a good fit.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you are in the Fast Track Transformation you can upgrade to the Personal Transformation Blueprint but it will also deduct the number of remaining months for the program accordingly.

    This happens when people want help for a month and decide they want to continue for six months.

  • Yes absolutely, that’s the Fast Track Transformation program!

  • Yes as it gives you an opportunity to ask Isaac questions and make sure it’s a good fit.